Date: 6th December 2007AD
Time: n/a
Location: OMF Guest House, Sapporo
Current Mood: n/a
What happened:
Had a brief prayer session this morning as most of us started late, and we were to walk to the OMF HQ. Didn’t get to share my devotion on Ruth 3, but that was ok because I felt under-prepared.Spent the whole day in prayer. Felt so tired throughout and was nodding off to sleep on many occasions. I didn’t have the energy to go through it.
Lunch was from a local supermarket, I had a bento box with karage chicken and rice, which was surprisingly filling. I also bought a bottle of Gatorade for 100yen!
Dinner was a home cooked meal and the evening was spent singing songs in rehearsal for Saturday.
Later in the night, around 10:30pm, Alex, Manuela and a few girls came around. Apparently it was a little noisy for the resident missionaries which was unfortunate, but it was a good time for the girls to meet.
Looking forward to:
Having some time off tomorrow!
Interesting thing I noticed today:
- They warned us before, but it still felt strange, that in the supermarket the checkout chick was constantly chatting away - they apparently just tell you everything you've purchased and how much it costs (ie - you have on bottle of Gatorade which is 105 yen, two cans of tomatoes which are 50 yen each which makes 100 yen...etc)
Nothing of note. The Bento was good. I should have taken a photo of it, but didn’t remember!
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