Date: 4th December 2007AD
Time: 10:00pm
Location: Sapporo, OMF Guest House
Current Mood: Tired, relieved, overwhelmed
What happened:
Began the morning with devotions from Ruth 1, which I shared. I focused on God’s sovereignty despite the tragic circumstances and how Ruth reminds us that God is always at work. How this would prove so true later this evening.
We then went leaflet dropping around the Satsunae Lighthouse church. We were paired off and I went off briefly by myself at some apartment buildings. Richard met with me shortly afterwards and we hit another block of homes. I got to meet a few people and also handed them some leaflets.Richard and I got back around 12:30pm and chatted a little whilst we waited for the other pairs to get back. Come 2:00pm and we finally headed off to the OMF headquarters to have lunch – which was a mix of packet soup, bread and goyoza. We then had more meeting and planning stuff to do. Felt extremely tired throughout the whole meeting.
Peter and Mary then went to dinner with Steve and Saeko Manders, whilst the rest of us went to a local Jap restaurant for dinner. It was like a canteen – pick up your food on a tray and pay for it at the end. I’m glad that I ordered the large rice, as my condiment portions were, again, rather small. After dinner we then went to a nearby 100yen store to pick up 'hand warmers' (little heat packs for our pockets), which would be used for tomorrow’s leaflet drop.
I also had a very scary episode of having lost my wallet, only to find it later in my computer bag. Praise God! My wonderful wife redirected my anxiety and annoyance back to the devotion from this morning. How truly wonderful she is :)
Looking forward to:
I am looking forward to getting some rest and doing something other than meetings and planning. We’ve had almost four days of just meetings and planning, so it was good this morning to get out, but want to do that more. I also have to stop thinking of this mission as a holiday, since we are doing work!
Interesting thing I noticed today:
- I’m totally addicted to all the ricecracker snacks
- Japanese people tend to eat a heck of a lot of processed foods – and consequently also have tonnes of wasted packaging
- Japanese food sizing is also much less than I’m expecting or hoping for – I should drink more water to compensate
Nothing really of note. I had a Katsu Chicken tonight which was alright, but nothing spectacular.
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