24/11/2007AD - 6 Days to go

Date: 24 November 2007 (6 days to go)
Time: 1:30pm
Location: Home
Current Mood: Tired

What happened:

Last night it dawned on us again how soon we would be leaving for Japan. In some ways I feel completely unprepared for the trip. I haven’t mentally prepared myself for the task ahead, nor prayed nearly enough about it.

I feel tired, and now I have to go and vote for the Australian Federal Election. There still feels like so much to do and so little time.

I also feel like I talk much about how I’m thinking things through, when really I haven’t been.

Looking forward to:
Getting all that we need to do done before we leave. Also looking forward to resting.

Interesting thing I noticed today:
Election day was quieter than I thought it would be.



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