30/11/2007AD - Liftoff!

Date: 30 November 2007 AD
Time: 7:30pm
Location: Sydney International Airport – Gate 33
Current Mood: Tired

What happened:

At the Brisbane domestic terminal we met Brad’s family. Really good to see them and greatly encouraged that they would turn out to send him off – compared to the Asian families which left us at the front door and waved us off.

After an uneventful plane trip we touched down at the Sydney domestic terminal and quickly ran into Ivan Choe, who I understand travels to Melbourne weekly for work and flies ‘home’ to Sydney on Friday afternoons. He caught us as we were walking along and we had dinner with him.

Now have another few hours before the flight out and I’m feeling both tired, yet relaxed. My feet hurt and are sweaty thanks to the super-warm boots I have – which is a good sign for how they’ll handle in the coldness of Japan!

Looking forward to:
Touching down, getting some sleep, testing out the camera in the cold.

Interesting thing I noticed today:
Should have broken in my boots earlier…but oh well.

Interesting food I ate today:
In an effort to avoid anything Asian, Steph and I tucked into some ‘Red Rooster’. Mel also bought a dozen Krispy Kreme doughnuts which was a nice finish. I think they’ll also serve us supper and breakfast on the plane.



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graphics : VLADSTUDIO : www.vladstudio.com